The best way to workout and get continual results is with a low risk of injury. An injury while working out could have you take an extended break from reaching your goals. A serious injury could also lead to you never working out ever again. When exercising you must make sure that you have proper posture, technique and use proper movement patterns. Having the right posture and performing proper movement patterns is important outside of exercise also. Practicing bad posture will lead to you placing improper forces on improper parts of your body. Overtime your bad posture could lead to chronic pain or damage to nerves, muscles, or joints.
Practicing proper posture starts when you first get out of bed in the morning, but can be enhanced when you exercise consistently. Consistently exercising your muscles with the proper range of motion will train your nerves, muscles, and joints, to inter-coordinate movements efficiently. The use of proper posture and form while exercising allows for proper force production. Progressing in strength and power training programs will be safer and more efficient. You will be able to make maximal strength and power gains without any risk of injury. Your skeletal system is like your foundation or base of support. Having correct joint alignment before and throughout the range of motion of an exercise makes your exertion potential almost limitless. In sports or other activities that require maximum force production, it is important to train progressively with good form and posture. If not, exerting force continuously at a high rate could lead to injury.
Exercising, with resistance especially, allows for continuous amounts of forces to be placed on muscles and joints, even when using proper technique and posture. Exercise with resistance must be applied in moderation and with variation. “Small stones will eventually build a mountain!” When you look at each stone that make a mountain, they are all different. The more concentration on gradual progression with constant variation will yield realistic gains. With this said, in order for you to reach your goals you must progress accordingly. Any big jump in resistance or progressing too fast could put you at a greater risk of injury. The human body is designed to adapt to tension applied to it overtime. Too much tension to fast, or constantly overloading an area puts you at risk of injury. To minimize tension applied to the same area it is important to change the rate or amount of force that is applied to a specific parts of a muscle. It is also important to incorporate combined muscle movements to balance force production through a broader area. A fitness plan that has constantly changing variables has a lower risk of injury and can be easily maintained.
Rest and recovery, a proper nutritional plan, as well as the efficiency of your workout regimen will determine how fast you make progress. You must always remember “efficiency” not “duration”. The longer your workouts last, the greater risk of injury especially if you are isolating muscle groups. A speedy recovery will promote consistency. Without the right amounts of energy and a lack of rest puts you at a greater risk of injury.
Constant exercise is the key contributor to life long health and wellness. In order to do so you must practice proper technique, posture and recover with proper nutrients and rest. Changing up variables in your workout like frequency, intensity, duration, tempo, and exercise selection will allow for maximum gains with the least risk of injury. Your internal feedback is not always right. To build proper movement patterns while exercising it is important that you receive instruction from an exercise professional. An exercise professional can teach you how to get the most value out of each exercise in the least amount of time with no risk of injury. Through verbal ques and guided practice you can build the right internal feedback that will benefit you and your progress towards reaching your goals.
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